- Hacking Work International
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#8: To hire or not to hire baby boomers?; Calling in sick when you’re not; ChatGPT - the new interviewer; Good leaders put themselves in their employees' shoes.
BONUS: Workplace etiquette; The layoff saga continues; Don’t let me “Hey-hanging”; Getting fired was a good thing.
#7: We need entrepreneurship more than ever; Writing code, the dying profession - Nvidia CEO; The 6 time thieves at work; 4-day-work-week, on its way to becoming the norm.
BONUS: The faces of child exploitation; Germany is in trouble, Europe feels the shock; Better conscious than obedient.
#6: Stand-up comedy, part of the modern on-boarding; Global wage gaps: the remote work dilemma; Benefits are failing working families.
Vampire Tasks: fighting the energy suckers of productivity; The Golden Age of 60: reimagining life's prime; Dementia can be predicted 10 years before.
#5: People will work from the office if they like the way it looks; Happiness and human sustainability, new performance metrics.
Australians have been given the green light to ignore their bosses; More time off = more loyal employees; Business leaders believe AI will be a game changer for organisations.
#4: The paradox of elite teams: more harm than good?; Fired for not being “fun enough”, he laughed hard at the end; Parenting hack: teach your children this one lifetime skill.
You have 3 to 5 seconds to impress the recruiter - what should you do?; The sighs reveal more to your boss than you think; The effects of remote working, in two powerful case studies.
#3: The cost of a sick brain: we lose up to 60 working days/ year; „New collar” workers - who are they and why do we need them?
2024, the year of layoffs: over 25,000 people, jobless in a single month; The work-BFF becomes the office hero; Germany embraces the four-day workweek.